Eminent Domain Attorneys
Land acquisition by governmental agencies to use for public purposes.
What is Eminent Domain?
Eminent domain is the exercise of the power of the government to acquire private property for public use. According to the Fifth Amendment, the government has to give just compensation for the land and that the land has to be for public use.
Protecting land and getting just compensation
for its use.
At Stenstrom, McIntosh, Colbert & Whigham, we work with government entities and landowners to help manage the eminent domain processes. We resolve disagreements, negotiate settlements for just compensation, and build cases for landowners who believe their land is not being used properly by the government.
Our team has also worked with landowners in inverse condemnation cases — an action brought against the government by a landowner to obtain just compensation for property that is being taken without the proper exercise of eminent domain.
We also work with governments in taking cases — the acquisition of private property by the exercise of eminent domain.